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Gio Tezcaxochitl
“Pues, la verdad se me ocurrió la honda de que estábamos promoviendo. Aparte de la vacuna y otros servicios que ofrece Latino Health Access, también teníamos muy en cuenta la salud de los participantes que estaban allá afuera. Y también nos afectaba a nosotros como promotores ver el caos que estaba allá afuera. A mi me dio gusto que pudimos alentar con arte a nuestra comunidad.”
"Well, the truth is that I realized that we were promoting. Aside from the vaccine and other services that Latino Health Access offers, we also had the health of the participants out there very much in mind. And it also affected us as Promoters to see the chaos that was out there. I was glad that we were able to encourage our community with art.”
Gio TezcaxochitlOral History
00:00 / 32:49
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